Thank you for giving us the opportunity to quote, please don't hesitate to contact the Virtunet team for assistance.
Terms & Conditions
The goods and services as set out in this quotation are accepted as per Virtu Pty Ltd (Virtu) Customer Terms of Sale. Please refer to Virtu's website for full details.
Return is acceptable subject to Vendor approval and Virtu is notified within 48 hours following the delivery and items are unopen
25% restocking fee is payable if the order is canceled/returned after the quote is accepted
Unless otherwise stated, all prices quoted are in Australian Dollar Currency (AUD) and are exclusive of GST and configuration charges.
All prices are valid for 14 days unless otherwise specified on the quote and need to be confirmed at time of order.
Pricing is subject to change without notice. Virtu reserves the right to amend quoted prices as a result of fluctuations in currency exchange rates.
The pricing specified above is not combinable with any other offer.
Bundle pricing is subject to change in the event amendments are made to the quantity and/or bundle components ordered. Please contact your account manager should you require changes to the bundle lines.
Virtu pricing and designed solutions (including applicable bill of materials) are confidential and provided in commercial confidence.
This quote may be based on your company qualifying for specific pricing under vendor partner programs.
This quotation is valid only to the company whose name appears at the quote header.
This quote has been prepared for one end user only. If this quotation is for more than one end user, please request separate quotations for each end user.
The Virtu reference number and all part numbers product descriptions and pricing specified in this quote must be included in your order.
All trademarks, brand names, and product names are the property of their respective owners.
The items quoted above are correct at time of publishing and issuing the quotation. All errors and omissions are excluded and no other discounts apply. Virtu is not responsible for compensating the customer should the item(s) listed in this quote be withdrawn by the Vendor.
And that unless the vendor has been specifically informed (and required licences filed), the end customer has NOT been involved with:
* The design, development, production, or use of rocket systems or unmanned air vehicles for the delivery of nuclear or chemical-biological weapons, and the end-user is not a NATO-member government or prime contractor
* The design, development, production, stockpiling, or use of chemical or biological weapons;
* A maritime nuclear propulsion project.
We look forward to your order. Full terms & Conditions are available at